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Graphic Design


株式会社 菅野養蜂場様の製品、「菩提樹のはちみつミード(蜂蜜のお酒)」のパッケージデザインです。


パッケージデザインコンテスト北海道2019 富田光浩賞 受賞

Package design for "Bodaiju Honey Mead (honey liquor)", a product of Kanno Apiary Co.

The package was designed to work as a wedding gift.

Bee wings, lime tree flowers, and a wedding dress,The way this package looks changes depending on where it is viewed and the emotions of the viewer.

The realization of seeing it in this way will bring joy and smiles to people's faces.

Package Design Contest Hokkaido 2019 Mitsuhiro Tomita Award

 © 2020 by Tomoki Nakano kitamichi design

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