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Graphic Design


第一ゴム株式会社​様の製品、「折りたたみ長靴 パッカブル スカイブルー」のパッケージデザインです。





Design : Tomoki Nakano and Haruka Nakahashi

パッケージデザインコンテスト北海道2018 富田光浩賞 受賞

Package design for "Foldable Boots Packable Sky Blue", a product of Daiichi Rubber Co.

This is the package and carrying bag for the foldable boots.

Rainy days are depressing. Rain has an image of making us feel a little depressed. However, rainy days have their own scenery and atmosphere that can only be felt on rainy days. The package design captures a moment after the rain.

The package design is based on the moment after the rain.

When stored in the bag, the blue sky reflected in the puddle after the rain is reflected and becomes "sky blue. When the bag is removed, the reflected blue disappears. This change makes the shoes fun to use and gives them a sense of attachment.

These shoes are a joy to store and a pleasure to live with, no matter where you take them.

Design : Tomoki Nakano and Haruka Nakahashi

Package Design Contest Hokkaido 2018 Mitsuhiro Tomita Award

 © 2020 by Tomoki Nakano kitamichi design

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