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Product Design



このボールは色塗装が2層になっており、下段がブルー (グリーンやオレンジ )、上段がホワイトに なっています。





第1回「SFIDAフットボールデザインコンテスト」 審査員特別賞 成瀬猪熊賞 受賞

The design concept is to "connect people to each other and to the world, just as a ball connects paths.

 The ball has two layers of colored paint, with blue (green or orange) on the lower layer and white on the upper layer.

The white coating on the upper layer will peel off and the color of the lower layer will become visible due to scratches and scuffs caused by use of the ball.

The more you use the ball, the more it gets dirty and scratched. It is the scratches made when you played soccer with someone or,It is a scratch made when you practiced hard, and the paint on the wire mesh, etc. will be transferred before you know it as you use it.

Every time you use it, memories remain and you can see the background of the ball and the person just by looking at it.

The 1st SFIDA Football Design Contest, Jury's Special Prize, Naruse Inokuma Prize

 © 2020 by Tomoki Nakano kitamichi design

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